Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) Documentation: v2.11.2
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Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
Error reporting in the API
API version
Object Sets (hwloc_cpuset_t and hwloc_nodeset_t)
Object Types
Object Structure and Attributes
Topology Creation and Destruction
Object levels, depths and types
Converting between Object Types and Attributes, and Strings
Consulting and Adding Info Attributes
CPU binding
Memory binding
Changing the Source of Topology Discovery
Topology Detection Configuration and Query
Modifying a loaded Topology
Kinds of object Type
Finding Objects inside a CPU set
Finding Objects covering at least CPU set
Looking at Ancestor and Child Objects
Looking at Cache Objects
Finding objects, miscellaneous helpers
Distributing items over a topology
CPU and node sets of entire topologies
Converting between CPU sets and node sets
Finding I/O objects
The bitmap API
Exporting Topologies to XML
Exporting Topologies to Synthetic
Retrieve distances between objects
Helpers for consulting distance matrices
Add distances between objects
Remove distances between objects
Comparing memory node attributes for finding where to allocate on
Managing memory attributes
Kinds of CPU cores
Linux-specific helpers
Interoperability with Linux libnuma unsigned long masks
Interoperability with Linux libnuma bitmask
Windows-specific helpers
Interoperability with glibc sched affinity
Interoperability with OpenCL
Interoperability with the CUDA Driver API
Interoperability with the CUDA Runtime API
Interoperability with the NVIDIA Management Library
Interoperability with the ROCm SMI Management Library
Interoperability with the oneAPI Level Zero interface.
Interoperability with OpenGL displays
Interoperability with OpenFabrics
Topology differences
Sharing topologies between processes
Components and Plugins: Discovery components
Components and Plugins: Discovery backends
Components and Plugins: Generic components
Components and Plugins: Core functions to be used by components
Components and Plugins: Filtering objects
Components and Plugins: helpers for PCI discovery
Components and Plugins: finding PCI objects during other discoveries
Components and Plugins: distances
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Page last modified: 26-Sep-2024
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