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Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) Documentation: v2.11.2

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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Chwloc_backendDiscovery backend structure
 Chwloc_componentGeneric component structure
 Chwloc_disc_componentDiscovery component structure
 Chwloc_disc_statusDiscovery status structure
 Chwloc_distances_sMatrix of distances between a set of objects
 Chwloc_info_sObject info attribute (name and value strings)
 Chwloc_locationWhere to measure attributes from
 Chwloc_location_uActual location
 Chwloc_objStructure of a topology object
 Chwloc_obj_attr_uObject type-specific Attributes
 Chwloc_bridge_attr_sBridge specific Object Attributes
 Chwloc_cache_attr_sCache-specific Object Attributes
 Chwloc_group_attr_sGroup-specific Object Attributes
 Chwloc_numanode_attr_sNUMA node-specific Object Attributes
 Chwloc_memory_page_type_sArray of local memory page types, NULL if no local memory and page_types is 0
 Chwloc_osdev_attr_sOS Device specific Object Attributes
 Chwloc_pcidev_attr_sPCI Device specific Object Attributes
 Chwloc_topology_cpubind_supportFlags describing actual PU binding support for this topology
 Chwloc_topology_diff_obj_attr_uOne object attribute difference
 Chwloc_topology_diff_obj_attr_string_sString attribute modification with an optional name
 Chwloc_topology_diff_obj_attr_uint64_sInteger attribute modification with an optional index
 Chwloc_topology_diff_uOne element of a difference list between two topologies
 Chwloc_topology_discovery_supportFlags describing actual discovery support for this topology
 Chwloc_topology_membind_supportFlags describing actual memory binding support for this topology
 Chwloc_topology_misc_supportFlags describing miscellaneous features
 Chwloc_topology_supportSet of flags describing actual support for this topology