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MPI_T_enum_get_item(3) man page (version 4.1.8)

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MPI_T_enum_get_item - Query information about an enumerator


C Syntax

#include <mpi.h>
int MPI_T_enum_get_item(MPI_T_enum enumtype, int index, int *value, char
                        int *name_len)

Input Parameters

Enumeration to be queried.
Number of the value to be queried in this enumeration.

Input/Output Parameters

Length of the string and/or buffer for name.

Output Parameters

Variable value.
Buffer to return the string containing the name of the category.


MPI_T_enum_get_item can be used to query information about an item in an enumerator. This function returns the enumeration value in the value parameter.


This MPI tool interface function returns the name of the item as a string. This function takes two arguments for the string: a buffer to store the string, and a length which must initially specify the size of the buffer. If the length passed is n then this function will copy at most n - 1 characters of the string into the buffer and sets the length to the number of characters copied - 1. If the length argument is NULL or the value specified in the length is 0 the string buffer is ignored and the string is not returned. For more information see MPI-3 [char167] 14.3.3.


MPI_T_enum_get_item() will fail if:
The MPI Tools interface not initialized
The enumeration is invalid or has been deleted

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