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Open MPI: Version 1.4 Source RPM Notes

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Because every parallel computation environment is different, Open MPI is a highly configurable piece of software. As such, a single set of build options is not sufficient to meet everyone's needs. The source RPM therefore accepts a wide variety of configuration options on the "rpmbuild --rebuild" command line. The following text describes the options that are available.

A script to build an Open MPI RPM from a source tarball is available here, and is referred to as "" in the text below. Additionally, you can build an Open MPI RPM from the SRPM (also described below).

The text below is specific to the series of Open MPI and is available here in a printer-friendly format.

Note that the spec file (that the text below refers to) has many more comments and explanations of rpmbuild-time configuration options, and is available here.

Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
                        University Research and Technology
                        Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The University of Tennessee and The University
                        of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
Copyright (c) 2004-2006 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, 
                        University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Regents of the University of California.
                        All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Additional copyrights may follow



The script takes a single argument -- a filename pointing
to an Open MPI tarball (may be either .gz or .bz2).  It will create
one or more RPMs from this tarball:

1. Source RPM
2. "All in one" RPM, where all of Open MPI is put into a single RPM.
3. "Multiple" RPM, where Open MPI is split into several sub-package
   - openmpi-runtime
   - openmpi-devel
   - openmpi-docs

The prefix, target architecture, and choice of RPM(s) to build are all
currently hard-coded in the beginning of the script.

Alternatively, you can build directly from the openmpi.spec spec file
or SRPM directly.  Many options can be passed to the building process
via rpmbuild's --define option (there are older versions of rpmbuild
that do not seem to handle --define'd values properly in all cases,
but we generally don't care about those old versions of rpmbuild...).
The available options are described in the comments in the beginning
of the spec file in this directory.